Bus & coach travel in Hungary

Although trains operate along most major routes, bus service within Hungary offers a much more convienient way of getting off the beaten track.

In most cases you buy your ticket from the driver. Bus travel in Hungary can be a bit confusing if you can’t understand Hungarian, but the following phrases should help you get by:

távolságiautóbusz pályaudvar – long distance bus station

városiautóbusz pályaudvar – local bus station

indulás – departures

érkezés – arrivals

Budapest has three main bus stations. International services to Bratislava, Prague, Croatia, Slovenia and western Europe and domestic departures to the south-west of Budapest leave from V Erzsébet tér (metro Deák tér). International departures for other destinations in Eastern Europe as well as those in Sweden and Turkey and domestic departures to eastern Hungary leave from Népstadion (metro Népstadion). Buses to the Danube Bend leave from Árpád Bridge station (metro Árpád híd).